Are you ready to lead your people into 2014?

It’s 2014!… yes it is indeed…Does it feel like a new year or a continuation of the last? Do you have a renewed sense of purpose, enthusiasm and the spark needed to make this year the success you want for your customers, your people and to achieve the outcomes that make you tick? Yes or no?

If yes…

What did you do to bring this feeling/certainty about? Are your team feeling/thinking the same thing? How could you use what you’ve done to enthuse your people and organisation to an even greater degree?

If no…

Have you taken the opportunity to pause and reflect on the successes you saw in 2013 and the opportunities you and your organisation demonstrated to be even better? No?…I don’t sit here in judgement; I’ve been there too and many of the clients I work with have lived-out that habit many times before, after all, ‘stuff’ gets in the way. Indeed, it’s that ‘stuff’ I spend a lot of my time coaching my leadership clients to overcome.

So what can you do?

The success many of my leadership clients see, comes from the acceptance of the statement that “the most effective action often begins with a period of reflection, followed by acceptance and then planning”.

We’re all busy and often as a leader, the one person who fails to make or allow themselves time to reflect is you. Now’ I’m not talking hours, weeks or months – if you reflect for a metaphorical 2 mins – try reflecting for 3. By the same token, if you ‘reflect’ for longer than you’d like – try reflecting for that metaphorical 1 minute less. In my experience it makes the world of difference and then communicating your reflected thoughts and strategy impacts tremendously on employee engagement, motivation and commitment.

So, what to reflect upon?

If you didn’t have, or were unable to find the time to reflect on 2013 and provide a platform for 2014 growth, it’s not too late…find a quiet spot, a drink of choice and an hour to work through the following five questions, even better, work through them with your leadership team; empowering them to answer the questions – the results can be magical.

The questions…

1) What went well in 2013 for you, your people, your organisation, your customers? (Delete as appropriate)
2) What did YOU do to bring that success about?
3) How can you do even more of that in 2014?
4) what could have gone better in 2013 for you, your team, your organisation, your customers? (Delete as appropriate and just list topics at this stage – try not to delve into the whys and wherefores just yet).
5) Which of the elements you’ve listed, when improved, would make the biggest difference to you, your people and your customers?

Having completed this exercise…

Having reflected on these 5 questions, you’re now ready to identify the success you wish to see and the changes you can make to bring this success about.

I hope you’ve found these questions useful, answering these questions openly and honestly has made a tremendous difference to many I’ve worked with. If, however, you’ve already done this and still feel ‘stuck’ in 2013, get in touch; I’d love to help you…

If you’re finding it a challenge to work through the questions, either because of time, enthusiasm or confidence to work through them with your team, get in touch on the details below, I’d love to help…

Indeed helping leaders and organisation to achieve success they seek is my passion – you can read more here: Why I do what I do?


Who am I? Stefan Powell…

I am yourleadershipcounsel, a father, husband, part time rock star and passionately bonkers about helping leaders get the most from themselves and their people,

You can:

Contact me on Twitter: @stefanpowell Via E-mail: by phone +44 (0) 7736942382

Read testimonials here: Testimonials

Find out more about what I do and how here: How I work